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10 Steps to Prevent and Manage

Age-Related Macular Degeneration*

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of irreversible vision loss for individuals over the age of 60 and affects almost 10% of the population, more than glaucoma and cataracts combined!   


The key is EARLY DETECTION, which until recently was not possible.  The good news is:  Scientific studies now demonstrate that measuring the time to adapt in the dark reveals the function of rods (photoreceptors) in the macular area.  A dark-adaptation time that is greater than 6 1/2 minutes indicates early AMD. (read more)


The best news is that many diet and lifestyle choices dramatically reduce the risk of vision impairment or loss.  Implementing these changes, at any age or any stage of the disease, is proving very beneficial for saving sight.  These choices listed below also support good heart health and cognitive function.

1. Don’t smoke—smokers are up to 4x more at risk for AMD than non-smokers

2. Eat plenty of dark, leafy greens such as spinach, kale and collard greens—this reduces your risk by 43%--we encourage you to incorporate a large salad daily as one of your main meals or as an addition to one of your meals—the cruciferous family such as broccoli and cabbage are especially beneficial

3. Eat fatty fish such as salmon and tuna — there is a 40% decreased risk with 2-3 servings a week

4. Exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight — this decreases your risk by 70%--your goal should be at least 2 miles of walking 3 times a week or the equivalent

5. Eat fruits and nuts daily — a Harvard study found 3 or more servings of fruit per day reduces your risk—an Australian study released in August of 2018 concluded that eating an orange a day reduces your risk by 60% due to their flavonoid content, an important micro-nutrient

6. Reduce refined carbs—avoid as many processed foods as possible such as white bread, cookies, cakes, etc.

7. Avoid high amounts of saturated fats and fried foods

8. Control blood pressure and cholesterol — the more these two conditions can be controlled, especially naturally through diet, the better protection you will have against AMD

9. Wear sunglasses with UV and blue light protection — individuals with too much exposure to blue light are 4x more likely to develop advanced AMD, also known as wet AMD.

10, Have yearly eye examinations and take the appropriate eye nutritional supplements — early detection and prevention is key--research shows that the combination of the three carotenoids ~ lutein, meso-zeaxanthin, and zeaxanthin ~ provide the best results.


We recommend MacuHealth  brand supplement.  This formula

  • contains all three carotenoids,

  • has a formula that is easy for the body to absorb, and

  • is reasonably priced.


After researching the supplement options on the market, we want our patients to commit to adding MacuHealth to their health regimen as it is the only one that contains pharmaceutical grade meso-zeaxanthin and is processed in such a way that provides the best absorption.


The meso-zeaxanthin, in combination with lutein and zeaxanthin, help to rebuild the protective pigment layer of the macula, which not only decreases risk for AMD, but enhances night driving, contrast sensitivity and visual performance.  (As an additional benefit, these three carotenoids are also good for brain health and have been proven to increase cognitive health.) 


For your convenience, we stock MacuHealth at our office and offer a 20% discount when you purchase the yearly supply at your regular annual visit.


Alternately, you can order HERE or online at or by phone at 1-866-704-0845.  (use code ____________)  Shipping is free with the auto ship option.


For our patients taking this supplement, we will provide courtesy contrast sensitivity readings every 6 months to measure progress.  We recommend a baseline measurement of visual contrast sensitivity for our patients with a return visit in 6 months to measure the level of current function.



*The content of this informational page is attributed to Dr. Melonie Clemmons, Elijay, GA.

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